The splash art for Fire Emblem Engage.


Resource Hub for Fire Emblem Engage


When I decided on my goal of creating this project back in end of January, it was to address a lack of cohesive information surrounding recently released tactical strategy game called Fire Emblem Engage. Due to being so exceptionally new, scattered resources and misinformation abounded between sites and media platforms such as Reddit and YouTube. Though some information had been datamined and collected on certain websites, the data was not uniformly organized or able to be filtered and sorted. Additionally, no resources existed to actually utilize this data to emulate calculations in the game, which would aid players in understanding how different factors affect their gameplay and allow them to plan ahead.

In the time since, mechanics in Fire Emblem Engage have naturally become more thoroughly understood and shared. This is also due in no small part to the rapid fire release of four DLC waves during the short development period of this project alone; frequent content additions have keep interest on the game. For my part, I don't feel that pursuing this project was less valuable due to information becoming more widespread; I learned so much while working on this, and would take nothing back aside from perhaps a couple of the more desolate sessions of trying to learn complicated JavaScript principles in a month or so. The rest was great though seriously.

I would also like to explicitly thank VincentASM, creator and web master of Serenes Forest for his part in the feasibility of this project; his early datamine of the game was a truly invaluable data source for me while reconciling all of the data in this game. Though his datamine is publically accessible through Google Sheets, I got in touch with him nonetheless about ensuring he did not mind my use of the data for a site of my own; he gave me the go ahead, and I am very grateful to have access to such an expansive host of game data for use in this project.

Finally, to all friends/family/pets/unwitting strangers who have been indulging me when I talk about Fire Emblem and numbers so much lately (or at least more than usual), thank you very much. I will not be stopping but I appreciate it.

One more fun fact; the name of the site, Signet, is not just a random word. The main new mechanic in Fire Emblem Engage is the introduction of the Emblem Rings. Historically, a signet ring is a ring that has some sort of crest, symbol, or emblem on it... get it? Fire Emblem?